Without any doubt am confident that this post will benefit so many out there, you definitely will enjoy reading this, imagine a period you really want to download a movie but you so scared to death cause of your capped data, mehn what if I tell your there are 5 different ways you can enjoy MTN browsing if not absolutely free.
Just as it reads, I am giving you 5 solid ways to brows on your Android using MTN, There are Five alternatives to surf the net. and am definitely going to start with my favorite. Let’s get started, shall we..
1) The first of them all MTN Browsing With Bblite
Come to think of it, Paying 70naira to enjoy 5Gb worth of data is something reasonable dont you think, instead of you having to pay 1000naira for 250mb. The bblite data works in collaboration with psiphon handler, Netloop, SS for PC, Ziphreaking for PC, Openvpn and others. I’m quite sure that most of you are familiar with the plan.
MTN Blite Subscription Codes
1. For Daily code dial *216*3*1# @ N70 FOR 5GB
2. For Weekly code dial *216*3*2# @ N350 FOR 5GB
3. For Monthly code dial *216*3*3# @ N1000 FOR 5GB
How To Connect Bblite To Your VPN And Power Up Your Phone/PC
Psiphon Handler Users
Mobile APN Settings
APN: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Proxy: blank
Port: blank
Download Psiphon Handler Here, Now Launch your Psiphon Handler
Then select real host and input web.blackberry.com as your proxy server
Click save
Then click option more options and tick connect through Http Proxy and also tick use the following settings
input these to your host address: and port 8080
Then back and start to brows.
Another wonderful VPN to surf with is Netloop
APN: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Proxy: empty
Port: empty
Open your Netloop
Click set connection mode and select vpn mode
Click connection settings and Enable proxy then input proxy host and port input And 8080
Tick enable header tweaking
In tweak type select host replacement
In injection host input web.blackberry.com
Start your VPN mode and enjoy the amazing speed.
Remember: No need for and 8080 in your APN setting since you are using the VPN mode connection.
2) Second on my list is How to Enjoy MTN Free NO.OOK using Jumia Data plan
Yeah, Lot’s of testimony have been going online about the presently blazing of this package. No need of sending any code. Just follow the below settings and get connected. So, guys why not check it out.
Psiphon Users
Mobile APN Settings
APN: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Proxy: blank
Port: blank
Then select real host and input server-jumia.com.ng in your proxy server
Click save
Then click option more options and tick connect through Http Proxy and also tick use the following settings
input these to your host address: and port 8080
Then Connect.
3) The Third on my list is how to Enjoy MTN Free Browsing With MusicPlus
Yes, Musicplus still rocks as usual. So guys, The package haven’t change much. All you need doing is that,just send D to 5900 and you will be rewarded with free 150MB but your mb will be hidden but don’t worry. Just follow the below settings and gets connected.
How To Connect The Free Music Plus With Your VPN
Psiphon Handler Users
Mobile APN Settings
APN: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Proxy: blank
Port: blank
Now Launch your Psiphon Handler
Then select real host and input musicplus.mtnonline.com in your proxy server
Click save
Then click option more options and tick connect through Http Proxy and also tick use the following settings
input these to your host address: and port 8080
Then Connect.
After you exhaust the 150MB, then you have to wait for 7days before you can renew it [resend the cancel7d to 5900 to opt out] or switch to the next Free Browsing.
4) The fourth is how to Enjoy Free MTN browsing With GAME+ Data
Just Send Jw or Gm to 2200 and you will be rewarded with free 150MB. Use *559# to check the data balance. The interesting thing about this package is that, Its powers your social apps but you need VPN to makes it power all your apps.
How To Connect The Free Game+ Data With Your VPN
Psiphon HandlerUsers
Mobile APN Settings
APN: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Proxy: blank
Port: blank
Now Launch your Psiphon Handler
Then select real host and input game.mtnonline.com in your proxy server
Click save
Then click option more options and tick connect through Http Proxy and also tick use the following settings
input these to your host address: and port 8080
Then Connect
5) The last but not the least, is another version of MTN Musicplus ,Browsing With Another MusicPlus Data
Yeah, This another way of using the musicplus to browse for free. This time, We are sending I to 5900 and you will be awarded with Free 150MB.
How To Connect The Free Music Plus With Your VPN
Psiphon HandlerUsers
Mobile APN Settings
APN: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Proxy: blank
Port: blank
Now Launch your Psiphon Handler
Then select real host and input musicplus.mtnonline.com in your proxy server
Click save
Then click option more options and tick connect through Http Proxy and also tick use the following settings
input these to your host address: and port 8080
Then Connect.
After you exhaust the 150MB, then you have to wait for 7days before you can renew it [resend the cancel7I to 5900 to opt out].
I hope have being able to water your grounds, enjoy and have fun.
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