A blissful morning to you all, well this mtn free call and sms is the next big thing around, though you don’t get much of an airtime to make the free call but if you follow this very simple steps you definitely should be smiling.
The mtn free calls however works on a more coded level which requires you to understand the principals behind it, dont be scared this are things you can easily get on with. So how then does this mtn free call works??
To enjoy the unlimited calls and SMS on your MTN sim then kindly follow the below short settings.
How the mtn free call works?
1) Get an MTN simcard that has no airtime on it (Recommended)
2) First Migrate to MTN Yello Life Plus by dialing *460*6#, you’ll be automatically given N50 [Dial *556# to check]
2) First Migrate to MTN Yello Life Plus by dialing *460*6#, you’ll be automatically given N50 [Dial *556# to check]
3) Once you exhaust the airtime, migrate to MTN Biz Class by dialing *460*3, then dial *460*6# again and you’ll be automatically given another N50 [Dial *556# to check]
4) Keep repeating step 2 and 3 continuously to enjoy the calls and SMS unlimited
4) Keep repeating step 2 and 3 continuously to enjoy the calls and SMS unlimited
Take your time, like I said it isnt much of an airtime but then its something, enjoy while it last.
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