MTN Xtra Talk and MTN Xtra Data; Get better value for every of your recharge on MTN

Recalled our previous article was centred on mtn XtraValue, and we told you the bundle plan is actually of two, which are the XtraTalk and of course Xtradata, well here it promises to be full gist, on each of this two plans, and why we think its a plan that get you more value for your money. Kindly relax, take a cold zobo or fanta, better still any drink you like be it palm wine or water, just take something cold, and go along with us.
mtn XtraTalk Bundles : Just as the name implies, Xtra Talk allows each and every subscribers on it to enjoy more voice airtime than data package. In other words, you get more value for calls than for data, interestingly mtn xtratalk as different cheaper bundle plans which makes it suitable for all and sundry, you can subscribe for as low as #300 xtratalk bundle plan to as high as #5000

List of MTN XtraTalk Bundle Plan

✔ With the N300 Plan, you get Airtime worth N975 for calls and 50MB for data (can you bit that?)
To Subscribe, load N300 Naira and Text V300 to 131 OR Dial *131*2#
Unfortunately, both the data and airtime valid for just 7days (one week)
✔ With the N500 Plan you enjoy Airtime Value for Calls N1,950 and Data Value of 100MB
To Subscribe, load N500 Naira and Text V500 to 131 OR Dial *131*2#
And it also valid for 7days (one week).

Another plan on the mtn XtraTalk is that of #1000, using this Plan you get an airtime Worth N3,875 for voice calls and data Data package of 312.50MB.
To Subscribe, load N1000 Naira and Text V1000 to 131 OR Dial *131*2#
This one valid for 14days (two weeks)
✔ With N2000 Plan, you get Airtime Value for Calls N9,750 and Data Value of 625MB
To Subscribe, load N2000 Naira and Text V2000 to 131 OR Dial *131*2#
Validity: 30days
The last but not the least on mtn XtraTalk is that of N5000 which promises you a whooping #24,500 airtime to call with an additional Data volume: 1,666.67MB
To Subscribe, recharge N5000 and Text V5000 to 131 OR Dial *131*2#
Validity: 30days.
You see why I said you get more value, in face real value for every of your recharge, every plan you opt in for on the XtraTalk is a bomb.
Moving straight ahead to the other side of the bundle plan, is no other but the its brother of same mother, the mtn xtra data

MTN XtraData Bundles, Unlike its other half (Xtra Talk), xtradata offers more data value than voice call. My guess thou is that this plan were specially designed for various individuals, be it you love to call, or yours is to surf the whole of Africa on net.
Just like the its other half, the mtn xtra data as nearly similar plans with is former, but this time more emphasis is on data than of call, for example, with #300 using the mtn xtra data you get a data of about 150mb, with an additional #372 for calls, Without wasting much of your time, a quick look at the mtn xtra data bundle plan.
✔ N300 Plan
Airtime Value for Calls: N372.00
Data Value: 150MB
How to Subscribe: Text D300 to 131 OR Dial *131#
Validity: 7days
✔ N500 Plan
Airtime Value for Calls: N624.00
Data Value: 300MB
How to Subscribe: Text D500 to 131 OR Dial *131#
Validity: 7days
Read : What is MTN Xtra Value

✔ N1000 Plan
Airtime Value for Calls: N1,275
Data Value: 750MB
How to Subscribe: Text D1000 to 131 OR Dial *131#
Validity: 14days
✔ N2000 Plan
Airtime Value for Calls: N2,560
Data Value: 2000MB
How to Subscribe: Text D2000 to 131 OR Dial *131#
Validity: 30days
✔ N5000 Plan
Airtime Value for Calls: N6,500
Data Value: 5000MB
How to Subscribe: Text D5000 to 131 OR Dial *131#
Validity: 30days
There you have it all, you can now decide on which of this mouth watering mtn bundle plan you want to rest your head on. But then tell us what you think about this plan, do you think they are good enough or not close?  Feel free, air your voice via comment.
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