The mtn xtra value has actually been on for sometimes now, but it seems not so popular, am sure by now you guys are enjoying your mtn xtrapro which seems to be the best Tarrif plan on mtn for now, in case you dont know what mtn xtrapro is, check here.
mtn xtra value just like the mtn xtra pro offers some very enticing benefits, one of it is that it guarantees you value for any of your recharge, what do I mean? The mtn xtra value bundle is actually in two (2) bundle plans and we definitely will do justice to both plans.
MTN Xtra Value Bundles was introduced recently by mtn with the aim to help subside both call and data for its users, This new bundles just as stated above are in two categories; the data and voice plan, this two bundle plans makes up the XtraValue bundle plan.
According to MTN operators. MTN XtraValue Bundle plan gives subscribers a combination of good airtime for voice calls and wonderful volume of Data plans for internet browsing. However the prices for the bundles ranges from N300 to N5,000
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Now lets go straight to the point, remember I told you that this bundle plan is categorized into two, both within the MTN XtraValue package namely mtn xtratalk and of course mtn xtradata, this two are what actually makes up the xtra value bundle.. Below is a brief description of two plans, now the question should be what and what does it entails or what do I stand to gain ???
mtn XtraTalk Bundles ; offers subscribers higher airtime allocation that can be used for Voice calls than Data volume. What do I mean by this??
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