Recently, WhatsApp has been on the news that they are working on a new features which will allow WhatsApp users to pin chats there messages, and finally, its has been officially confirmed that users can now pin 2 or more chats at the top of there WhatsApp chat screen.
Reasons why you will need to pin chat
This features will allow a chat to stay permanently, and will be shown at the top of your whatsApp screen, and there is no need checking down when ever a new message from friends pop in, and you might have a person that you do chat with all times on whatsApp, and for this reasons you can as well pin your chat with this person, and this will always make you to see the person chat at the top of your screen with no need scrolling down to check when it message comes in, it will be shown immediately at the top of the screen.
How to pin Whatsapp Chat on your Android devices
- Get the latest version of WhatsApp on Google Play Store or click here.
- Open your WhatsApp chats.
- Then Scroll down, tap and hold down on the particular chat you want to pin.
- Tap on the pin icon above your screen as highlighted below.
- The pinned chat will appears at the top of your WhatsApp chats with a faded pin icon.
This feature is only available on Android Devices for now
How To Unpin a WhatsApp Chat
1. Tap and hold down on the chat to highlight
2. Tap on the unpin icon at the top of the screen to removed the chat.
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