This is really amazing seeing again that WhatsApp Extends Support For BB 10 devices till end of 2017 which was supposed to end June 30th.
Recalled sometimes last year WhatsApp announced that their service will no longer be available for all blackberry users after December 31st,it actually happened during 12:00 AM Whatapp was disabled from blackberry but before that morning they have announced earlier that they have prolonged their service till June 30.
What A Relief :WhatsApp Extends Support For Blackberry
As at last year a blackberry user observed that WhatApp was disabled on blackberry after December 30th (12:00 AM) he said
” when it was exactly 12:00 AM January 1st I decided to send a happy new year to some of my family and friends on whatapp but when I logged in I was unable to send message but I could still log in to see my contacts and messages that I have sent earlier.
I felt bad and almost cried.I said to my self that ‘i thought they have prolonged the service till June’then I tried something I uninstalled the whatsapp and downloaded another one from blackberry world and am proud to tell you that I was happy again because I was able to log in to chat and my old chats and contacts were still present there.”
As a result of this many users of the phone sold their devices out and the number of its users reduced rapidly but now WhatsApp Extends Support For Blackberry till the end of 2017.
And who knows they could decide to prolong it further just like they did let wait and see their next move.However kudos!! for active BlackBerry users for they can still enjoy WhatsApp for a while.
Kindly share this article to some of your friends that may still be making use of blackberry so they will not sell away their phone
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